Cristina Saralegui Enterprises Inc.
Estimado Alfredo: Saludos desde Miami, adjunto como te prometimos, cositas del programa.
Gracias por todas tus atenciones.
Mitsuru Harakawa. Tokio, Japan.
I'm very happy to take tour with Alfredo. He's nice person with warm heart. He knows
everything that I want to see & do. He took care of me perfectly. I'd like to make trip with
him again. Thank you.
Manuel & Barbara Orozco. Torrance, CA. USA.
We took a scenic trip to the Monarch butterfly immigration site. Alfredo was our guide &
transporter. He was an excellent communicator and driver and host (setting up luncheon
when facility was closed, for 13 people). His English is excellent and he is very polite in his
transactions to all our party. We recommend him highly.
Ormond & Mae Marford. 916-985-4508. Folsom, CA. USA.
As the song goes "Who could ask you anything more", this trip to the mariposas monarcas was a wonderful experience. Alfredo, you are a marvel. You are so knowledgeable and you made the trip so informative & enjoyable. You can tell anyone who has questions about you and your expertise to call me "collect". We would ride with you again anytime!. Thank you, thank you, thank you, we are in your debt.
Sean & Bikita Mahdi. Wimbledon. London, England.
any many thanks for a most interesting and wonderful excursion. Your knowledge of the history and culture of Michoacan is certainly enviable. Thank you for being a wonderful tour guide. If we have any relatives/friends coming to Mexico, we will definitely recommend them
to you. God bless and enjoy living in such a wonderful country like yours. Many thanks.
C.H. Drake. US Navy Capt. Ashland, Or. USA.
Alfredo, after many travels during a period of 40 years, many times in lovely Mexico, with many guides, I can only say that -in US NAVY words- Alfredo is "The very very best!". He fully deserves the naval accolade "Bravo Zulo" outstanding in all respects. The finest guide...
absolutely superb!.
Consuelo Vallas, Beto Solís, Claudia Quiroz y Alex Solís. 200 metros al sur del estadio. Costa Rica. Centroamérica.
Alfredo, nos vamos para Costa Rica encantados de este maravilloso recorrido por el estado
de Michoacán. Interesante historia, interesante arquitectura y maravillosa gente.
Irit, Shiri & Lee. Israel
Alfredo, thank you very much for an amazing experience. The trip for the Indian hospital, the meeting with the doctors, and the local people was very educating and exciting. I think we got some beautiful pictures. Thank you for your learners and enlighten explanations. Hope to see you again.
Chris Kraul. LA Times 2001
The tour with Alfredo is essential to know this beautiful & historic city, and a pleasure! I
learned a lot and I want to get back soon!
Rossana and Miguel Figueroa. Irit, Shiri & Lee. Israel. Travel televisión. Vancouver, Canadá.
Alfredo, ¡Muchas gracias por todo! Thank you for your patience, your knowledge, your great Mexican spirit and your energy! With Mexicanos like you, well, we really appreciate the best
of Mexico. We do look forward to come back for a longer period! ¡Muchas gracias!